Kol Dorot, River Edge
(Formerly Temple Avodat Shalom)
385 Howland Ave., River Edge NJ
Our Active Seniors are a vibrant, vital part of the JCCNNJ. The core of all scheduled events centers around creating opportunities for connection — with staff, volunteers, and especially each other. Through the consistency and variety of activities offered each Tuesday and Thursday our program continues to grow in camaraderie, spirit and participation.
This program is supported by Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and the Bergen County Division of Senior Services. NOTE: ALL programming takes place in-person ONLY.
10 AM TUESDAYS Dance and Fitness with Julia
10 AM THURSDAYS Chair Yoga with Tanya
12 PM Catered Kosher Lunch
Your helping hands can truly make a difference. Help us serve lunch to our Active Seniors.
One and a half hour shifts available from 11:15 am -12:45 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The gift of your time is always appreciated!
The JCC of Northern NJ is redefining and realigning to meet your needs through innovative experiences and programs. We are committed to creating opportunities for individuals in our community to connect, grow and learn in an ever-changing Jewish environment.
The JCC of Northern New Jersey is a beneficiary of Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and Bergen County Division of Senior Services.
JCC of Northern NJ is a registered 501(c)3 organization
Tax ID: 22-1487394
© JCC of Northern New Jersey 2024, All rights reserved.